Monday, January 24, 2011

Elements of Ancient Times.(History & Theory of design)

Looking at the patterns and ancient elements of architecture I believe enviroments influence rituals. The way I determined that enviroments influenced rituals is by placing myself in the shoes of an ancient person. I imagined myself waking up one day and looking at the things around me, looking at the sun and moon. Looking at the way the trees are stading and the shape of the mountains. Finally how the people accomplish more working as a group than working alone. After a long time of looking at these objects and events on a daily basis one of the obvious things to do in order to have rituals would be to take these object and make/copy their shape or structure in order to have orginize rituals. For instance, when I look at a circle the thing that grabs my mind is the center of that point. One example is the EUC building where you can see a circle in the middle of the back entrance, the circle is like 20 feet in diameter and if you stand in the middle and look up there is a long shape that looks like a cylinder.
I believe that the reason why rituals sometimes are preform inside a circual shape is to let the peope know that who ever is inside the circle is important and that people should respect the line around it.
Same thing happens to the vertical shapes. They are most of the time equally separate from each other and serve to hold something or guide the audience to a sacred place. One place that I think serves this purpose is the Alumni center at UNCG.
This place has four columns that hold the top in place and are used to represent the main entrance of the building. Finally the stacking of objects was important to ancient cultures. In most cutures we see objects stack up from largest to smallest. This could mean that people wanted the top to represent something important. Another possible explanation is that the mountains had a very sharp top. Ancient cultures had very limitated tools and resources, and that can also be one of the reasons that ancient groups used techniques like stacking and grouping because those were the only things the enviroment provided and saw.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job in attempting to relate to a person from ancient times. Unfortunately, you need to be more attentive to your writing - you have several typos and a few grammatical errors. Great drawing!
